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Hon.Foreign Minister Ms.Pradhan is in personal holiday pleasure trip to with the support of Govt. of Nepal.
Naya patrika wrote about this article. Check nayapatrika. com. And there is a interesting thing to
know, Do You know normally these minister when they go to abroad what facility they get?
1. allowance perday about $200 per day for food and
2. Leadership allowance 50% of the allowance
3. Some extra money for incidential purpose.
But,in fact they stay in embassy or in consulate office as the chief guest. enjoy chaakari from staff of embassy, get some gift
and happily return Nepal and organise a press meet in V.V.I.P room in airport that this is fruitful visit for Nepal.
It is a good idea Why they stay in embassy if they took money from
government for hotel stay? The Minister of Royal regime and Loktantra's are same in this manner. Why K.P. Oli stayed more than 20 days in Geneva as he have
had lots of duties in Nepal. May be he stayed in Nepalese mission and get regular bhatta. Not only
foreign minister this idea used by all minister.They dosen't need to produce hotel bill.
It is a regular system from long time preserved by foreign ministry.
Have your say?
Puskar jee: If you think then just post it. Hope we will get some extra information.
the fact they stay in Guest House of Embassy or consulate.
Hello Rajesh,
You seems former PA of Minister? I am right?
Thank you for the nice information. I think Akhtiyar Durupyog Anushndhan ss also in the Nepal Offficer Group. So the corrupt Officer of Akhtiyar also have to concentrate in this news.
Actually they are supposed to start investigation in this issue since begning that how many ministers people have been abusing their authority and doing corruption through their foreign visit. Pashupatinaath le haami sabai ko kalyan garun.
Kasto kura na bujhe ko yo manchhe haru le Mantri hune nai bhrastachar garn lai ho ani? ke timi bidyarthi bhayer padhne hoin? master bhayer padhaune hoin testai ta ho ni mantri bhayer corruption garne ani ke aascharya bhayo ta?
Hey yo akhtiyar bhaneko ke rahe chha? ghus khane ra ghus liyer chhodne tyo babarmahal ko office bhaneko ho? tyaha ko le kehi gardain, baru ultai yesto news thaha paayer uniharu ko income badh chha, je sukai hosh mantri bhaye pachhi ta 2-4 hajar dollar ko ghsu lai ke ghus bhanu chhod diu yaar, aru aru nepal ko haakim haru aauda pani yestai kaam garer baschha, embassy ma bas chha tar hotel ko paisa sarkar bat linchha, akhtiyar kai haakim haru testai garchha hola tyahi bhayer uniharu pani chup chap ni, je sukai hosh ma lai ta matlab chhian
who wrote this news language? Chakri ko ta paraakastha nai naaghisake chha, hare raam? would you like be a ticket holder in forthcoming CA? ha ha ha
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